Monday, May 21, 2012

 All about me
 Photo essay
 Still life
 Word hunt
 Last assignment

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Background bw
Gradient map

Pic as text
Photo card

What makes good photography...

What makes a good photo is capturing that special moment that you can't put into words. You have to have the right angle at just the right moment. How I decide what I take a picture of, is if it catches my eye. I start to look at how I can take the picture just the right way, then I take it. Photography will be a part of my life in the future because I love going back and looking at photos of me as a kid. I want to take pictures of everything in my life so I can keep the memories with me. Whenever I go on a vacation a camera is always with me so I can capture everything that I normally don't see. That is how photography will be part of my life in the future. I think I could be a better photographer by paying more attention to what I can take pictures of. And by spending more time doing it and comparing my new and old photos together. Pictures are important because it shows your life and everything you have done or maybe even how far you have come. They let you remember things from your past that sometimes you might forget. Pictures can be useful by letting you prove where you have actually been.